AuSable Weekend

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Au Sable River / Alcona Park Weekend

adapted from Facebook posts

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Ten members joined in for a weekend of camping and paddling at Alcona County Park, located near the town of Glennie on the Alcona Dam Pond. This is one of six impoundments on the Au Sable River that were created to drive power generating stations that are now owned by Consumers Power. We stayed in the East Primitive area, most of us choosing sites on the shore that had a spectacular view of the pond. Some of this trip’s highlights included nightly visits from a family of Trumpeter Swans, clear night skies, a few eagle sightings, and morning serenades by a pair of loons.
There was an interesting phenom during the early hours of Saturday. Even though there was no forecast of rain, we all woke to the sound of water plopping on our tents and shelters. Everything was saturated from a heavy fog, and the trees were dropping condensation on us. But there was not a cloud in the sky, and the sun quickly burned away the mist and moisture before launch time. Sunday morning was just a bit less damp and foggy.

For Saturday’s outing we launched at the McKinley Bridge and paddled back to camp, making one stop at the 4001 Bridge for a lunch break. The current was fast and the water was chilly. We only saw a few other paddlers and fishermen on the river, but we had the company of kingfishers for most of the day. The afternoon was hot and sunny with little breeze to cool us, so we took refuge in the shade for an extended Happy Hour. A few of us went back out for a paddle around the pond as the sun set, returning to enjoy a camp fire as the air cooled down.
Sunday we departed directly from the campground, paddled across the pond and made a portage around the Alcona Dam. From there we continued downstream to our take out at Bobcat Creek. A few folks decided to spend a bit more time on the river, some had to head home. The rest of us took a drive along the Au Sable River, making stops at the Canoer’s Memorial and the Lumbermen’s Monument, and then headed into Oscoda for lunch at the Au Sable Inn. Thanks to everybody that joined in for the trip. We were finally able to enjoy a full Fall weekend with no rain outs! Next year, let’s go back and paddle the full stretch below the Alcona Dam.


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