Half Moon Lake to Hell – Aug 6, 2022

Half Moon Lake to Hell

Steve Pollack:
Half moon lake was a zoo Saturday, Paul didn’t realize there was a triathlon going on, but we had police guiding us and volunteers to help everywhere. It’s always cooler on the water and we paddled up to the Hell Dam where most got out for lunch. John Locy and I turned around as I had another engagement close by that afternoon. I think all had a good time and we welcomed a couple of new members, Beth from Brighton and Mark with his inflatable. We did learn that the cell coverage is pretty spotty as we had to resort to a paper map to find my next destination lol.

Vickie Schroeder:
But it all turned out great! Fun time with good friends. And I made a couple of new ones. Nice to meet you, Mark and Beth.

Steve’s Trip

John didn’t want to scratch up his wooden boat and I figured I needed a sea kayak to keep up. The take-out point wasn’t as gnarly as I remembered it, so we turned around and I’m glad I had a map on my phone to get back

7.19 miles – 2.9 mph – 2h 33m

Vickie’s Trip

Vickie went with the main group and stayed for lunch.

3.03 mile – 3.2 mph – 1h 6m

Crossing the lake

Crossing Highland Lake
On the way to the swing
On the way to the swing
Swinging Steve

Next time remove the sprat skirt


A tight fit
A tight fit

I hope 2 of these things never get stuck at the same time: